Let me just say that you can’t do WordCamp LA without LA traffic. Sheesh!
Despite all my best intentions, I feverishly finished my slides right before pummeling through the LA traffic to hang out with the Speakers and Sponsors and Volunteers at the Friday Speaker dinner. I’m seriously so impressed with the WP community. People genuinely like each other. WordCamps start to feel like family gatherings without all the weird divorce drama.
But here’s the bottom line: http://wcla.mattcromwell.com
Check it out, give me some feedback, and I’ll plan to address whatever you bring up in one way or another. That reminds me of a game I played in college when I travelled for the school going to churches. We’d challenge each other to incorporate three random words into our 5 minute presentations as smoothly as possible. For example, while talking about why your kid should go to our school, you have to mention an octopus, motorcycle, and a hemorrhage. I’m not saying I’ll do this tomorrow, but if there’s comments on this post with a challenge I might not be able to avoid an attempt.
Lastly, if you’re attending this weekend, make sure to hit me up for a FooPlugins coupon code. They’re pouring out of my ears, eager to spread the Foo-love.